Sunday, 25 October 2015
Friday, 23 October 2015
the extreme difference in wages
-BBC article
Thursday, 22 October 2015
Not great when you get a simple judgement so wrong George...
George Osbourne 2015/10
Simply, the reason for cutting tax credits does not boil down to this George.
Argument 1 - they are too hard too fast. If you will only bring up the 'National Living Wage' in parts... presumably to not shock businesses, why not show the same respect to normal working people?
Argument 2 - for the economic arguments why austerity isn't necessary to cut the deficit flick through this blog: But generally, if you borrow to invest and your return is higher than the costs due to that borrowing, that equals getting a strong economy and then actually running a surplus..
Argument 3 - Politically/socially - the fact they said they wouldn't cut these, the fact it may force people out of jobs onto benefits again, and in poverty again, not to mention the expected number of children they are pushing back into poverty, when they said they care about social mobility and keeping children in the classroom because this education is a major factor in opportunities later.
Monday, 19 October 2015
Thursday, 15 October 2015
Osbourne gets his 'vacuous and irrelevant' budget responsibility bill through
A similar bill he derided when Labour introduced one in 2010.
Strangling investment and cutting back the government. Let's watch it unravel before their eyes, but it may well get tough for people first. Worrying that a lot of Economists wouldn't endorse the bill. Its important to note that the Tories want to put through their bills through no matter what the terrible effects on working people's lives. Here they are laughing at our problems:
Laughing at the housing crisis
Laughing at making people not as well off as them, even worse off
Are they the working people's party?
According to BBC around 20 Labour MPs abstained, and I hope they are appropriately punished by the Labour Leadership. They don't represent the membership, and don't deserve to have the privelidge of representing us or their constituents.
Wednesday, 14 October 2015
Tories laughing at us
Need more evidence that they are insincere and out of touch and couldn't care less about you?
People need to see this.
Tories laughing at you
Update on Guardian website during PMQs
"As Tories laugh, he says this is not funny to Matthew or other people. "
The true Tories are coming through now..
'Worker's party' my ***
Much Trumpeting but divide increases
The same old inequalities over North and South, lack of investment by the government and the Northern Powerhouse promise drifting away... Devolution for the North East now!
The Right Answer
The quicker we see reform to give party members more voice on policy the better.
The a worldwide economic slowdown looming, and the UK in deflation, investment and Keynesian economics are going to be key again.
Short term may see some improvements for workers with fuel prices low, but with the attack of the government on them, how long will it be OK?
The charter and some notes
Why Labour voted against George Osbourne's charter:
They are not deficit deniers, but the Tories are leading their assault on the poor full throttle, with Boris Johnson trying to reign it in (albeit with words not actions).
Tuesday, 13 October 2015
Corbyn said it, and eventually Cameron was shamed into admitting it, even if it took Gove to push it...
Monday, 12 October 2015
wolf in sheep's clothing
"Mr Cameron effectively ruled out cutting the benefit before the election, telling a voters Question time that he "rejected" proposals to cut tax credits and did not want to do so. "
Would you trust the Tories again?
Friday, 9 October 2015
People's Momentum
Check the website and join here
pssst Peoples Momentum = PM!
Tax Credit Cuts and the week (41)
Conservatives plan to save 5bn gbp by cutting tax credits... but they're willing to cut 1bn worth of tax income from inheritence tax..
this is a good thought on it:
it really is starting something of a class war potentially.
George Osbourne:
"That tax credit bill would go up and up and up, the country couldn't afford it"
If he introduced the higher minimum wage, without cutting the tax credit, why wouldnt that cut the cost? That would be much more logical...
its all unravelling as more and more reports of the ill effects of the tax credit cuts come out, from amongst conservatives themselves. The Tories may be falling apart right in front of us. From desperate attacks by Hameron on Corbyn with out of context quotes, with nasty Tory Theresa May's speech, and now this. We will see the erosion of the majority Cameron has.
Or maybe an alignment of centrists in Conservatives and Labour?
And lets not forget the problem of the government U-turn on renewable energies.. two solar panel companies going bust today.
very interesting article
Interesting article on how migrants and refugees arent easily labelled seperately of each other.
Wednesday, 7 October 2015
Jane Merrick Tweet
Reply to a Tweet
Hameron Cameron and the Human Rights debacle in Saudi
Look who doesn't care about human rights... And they not be our human rights yet (to be cynical), but they may be our human rights they don't care about soon. Hypocritical - He says he doesn't want dirty money in the UK? He gets that from the Saudis and the shell companies which he has failed to prevent being used to put laundered money through to unknown ultimate beneficiaries.
Who speaks out?
Corbyn Speaks to 3x the number of people in Manchester Cameron does (in a way)
Further to the previous posts I made speaking of the Tory Conference 'Ring if Steel'. Been heartening to hear that the Tories at some fringe meetings could overwhelmingly here the protesters, showing them that they hadnt managed to mislead everyone in Manchester and the North. Then Theresa May came out and showed the nasty party Right, and Jeremy Hunt made spurious comments on 'working hard' like Chinese and Americans... When on a lot of calculations it is actually French and Germans who are more productive than us: getting more done in the same given time or less. To base a 'cultural sign' on nonsense hours worked; i.e. tax credit cuts, is a crime when it hurts the poorest and least able.
Their cheap rhetoric is painfully under evidenced or totally counter to evidence. Is it patriotic to say we should be like other countries, when your evidence doesnt even add up? I think not. I don't care about patriotism, but if you do, Corbyn is more the patriot!
Absolutely losing sympathy for Americans who just need to learn from the stats that guns are killing them. They're ridiculous...
A Good Response to Today's Speech by May
Just take a read, quite enlightening about the numbers and the lack of strain on the NHS by immigrants, among other things
Tuesday, 6 October 2015
Osbourne's BROKEN Devolution
So devolving business rates to the councils sounds great. But it is not true autonomy at all, if you can lower rates (an intention to see a race to the bottom between councils perhaps?) but cannot raise them, except under special conditions. So you need to have a Mayor appointed, and on top of that it is restricted to 2%... and then, only if businesses agree. So you leave councils in need of cash HELD TO RANSOM by their businesses, and not their wider population. They may no even be able to delivery key services and want to raise business rates.. but if the businesses don't see anything in it for them (short termism ahem..) why would they back it?
TRUE devolution would see full autonomy on this. It should be rejected and an amendment requested to receive absolute autonomy to actually raise revenue where the government doesn't have the balls to risk doing it in a way that doesn't take money from the less advantaged in society.
Sunday, 4 October 2015
Conservatives Conference
Funny that the 'party for the workers' Conservatives can't even hold a conference in their championed 'northern powerhouse' without a 'ring of steel' defense from the workers around them. It really says it all itself.
Will there be fringe meetings overspilling onto the streets like at Labour's? I hope for their sake and out sake there is, but doubt it.
If you want to listen to something interesting on Corbyn:
Wednesday, 30 September 2015
53% can see the Conservative austerity for what it is - ideological war on the poor, with tax cuts for the rich.
47% cant.
British Chambers of Commerce director general John Longworth on Corbyn speech 29/09/2015
Business will not like the thought of an interventionist state propping up failing companies, renationalising utilities, dismantling parts of our defence industries, entrenching welfare dependency, or reforming education without tackling the real issue: preparing young people to make their way in the world of work.
failing companies << The current government does this when it bails out rail companies, pays fees to private companies when they fail to carry out their contract but still re-employs them for other tasks, and the previous Labour government, with crossparty support, bailed out the banks. Corbyn did not mention doing it at all.
renationalising utilities
Why would businesses, except rail businesses (who are going to renationalised in light of failing to do their job in a way which is good for their customers..)worry about it? In fact it may save them money with employees making it into work on time more often and free up disposable income if fares rise, allowing their products to be in more demand, so on, so forth.
dismantling parts of our defence industries -- Corbyn said only if they are making sure to replace the jobs with other high end engineering jobs.
entrenching welfare dependency -- Don't remember that.. think it's called filling in the gaps, giving people money - again to pay for the companies' products. Or giving them a better standard of life - which should improve productivity and happiness of the workforce.
education - should be about what is taught in the classrooms - didn't hear anything about that, but he wasn't attacking it at all either...
I would bet they're all more worried about how much money they might have to pay in tax.. Think of this - when you see someone in an expensive car.. the money paid for that could sustain a life of someone who 'lives within their means' in some places. Cut the bullshit.
Tuesday, 29 September 2015
Why J McDonnell's plan excites me.
Clearly this is missing where this wage isnt being paid.
Businesses will fret about it, saying they can't handle the extra costs. However, much was made of the introduction of the minimum wage, and there wasn't a huge loss of jobs. Really, if the wage rises encourage spending and increase the market base of companies, then they will find increased sales. Competition should help defend against price hikes in response to the demand growth.
Reviewing the Bank of England's inflation mandate and the work of Revenue and Customs:
Sunday, 27 September 2015
Blog Archive
- Corbyn's weekly message
- the extreme difference in wages
- Not great when you get a simple judgement so wrong...
- do Tories really want to be a 'worker's party?
- Osbourne gets his 'vacuous and irrelevant' budget ...
- Tories laughing at us
- Tories laughing at you
- Much Trumpeting but divide increases
- The Right Answer
- The charter and some notes
- wolf in sheep's clothing
- People's Momentum
- Tax Credit Cuts and the week (41)
- very interesting article
- David Hameron Assault on Poverty
- Jane Merrick Tweet
- Hameron Cameron and the Human Rights debacle in Saudi
- Corbyn Speaks to 3x the number of people in Manche...
- Guns
- A Good Response to Today's Speech by May
- Osbourne's BROKEN Devolution
- Conservatives Conference